Call us at 541-726-3766. We answer phones during open hours, Monday through Saturday.
For 24/7 Live Chat, visit:
Visit the library to get your Springfield Public Library card! It is your key to all the books on our shelves as well as tools, information and entertainment options you can access any time of day, wherever you may be. With any approved proof of ID and address you can get your library card.
You can also register for a temporary library card online. Once submitted, staff will process your application within 48 hours and you'll receive an email with your temporary card information. You will have access to our digital collections along with instructions for completing your registration and gaining full-access to the library.
Stop by the library during our open hours to set up your full-access Springfield Public Library card. Bring your photo ID and proof of address. We will accept a valid ID from the following list:
If you don't have one of the above with your current address, you can bring any one of the Identification Verification documents PLUS one of the Address Verification documents listed below.
Springfield city property taxes support library cards for all City residents or anyone owning or renting property inside the Springfield city limits.
Some Springfield mailing addresses are not within the City property tax limits. If your address is within one of the City Council Wards then you will qualify for a city resident card.
These cards are good for five years or until you move from Springfield.
People living outside the City property tax limits may purchase a full-access Springfield Public Library Card which may be used by everyone in the household. The following fees are in effect beginning July 1, 2023:
People living outside the City property tax limits can purchase digital cards for access to our online resources and public computer use. Those fees per household are:
If you live in Springfield but are still looking for a permanent place to stay you can get a 3-month transitional card with a voucher from Catholic Community Services.
Children under the age of 16 must have a parent or legal guardian's written permission to receive a Library Card. The parent or legal guardian must show acceptable identification.
Children visiting the library without a parent or legal guardian can bring in a FESL Library Card Application completed by parent or legal guardian to sign-up for a library card. You can find a link to a printable form below:
All students who live within the Springfield Public School District boundaries qualify for a no-cost library card.
Springfield District 19 and Springfield Head Start teachers who live outside the city qualify for a one-year card to be used for educational purposes only. Teachers must show their work ID when applying for this card, in addition to a valid ID and proof of address mentioned above.
Springfield Library participates in the Oregon Library Passport Program. If Springfield is your home library, you have access to other libraries in the state through this program. Visit the Oregon Library Passport Program for additional information.
If you are an outside library cardholder from a participating Oregon library, here's how to sign-up for Springfield Library access:
Card holders are responsible for all items checked out on their library card. Please notify the library immediately if your library card is lost or stolen. Replacement cards are $3. Please notify the Library of any change of address or phone number.
Springfield Public Library | 225 5th Street [Inside City Hall] | Springfield, OR 97477-4636 | (541) 726-3766