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Books & More: Digital Collections

We'll help you find the next great story. Discover new favorites and share some old.

Library2Go and Libby

"Library2Go"* is the name of our largest collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks available for streaming and download.

"Libby" is the app (available for free through your app store) which provides access to Library2Go. You can also access this resource through your web browser.

You may check out six items at a time and have six items on hold with your Springfield Public Library card.

*"Overdrive" is the name of the company that manages Library2Go.

*"Oregon Digital Library Consortium" is the organization which manages most of the items in our collection; many libraries throughout Oregon are members of this organization.


"Tumblebooks" is a special collection of eBbooks and eAudiobooks for young readers. These items include graphic novels, picture books, and chapter books. Many are interactive or animated.

Unlike Library2Go, these items do not need to be checked out on a library card; they are always available once you log in with your Springfield Public Library card.

Access Tumblebooks through the app (Google Play and App Store) or through a web browser.

Access Video on Demand (AVOD)

"AVOD" and "AVOD Just for Kids" are online video streaming services. These two collections include a wide variety of films, shows, and documentaries.

Access both AVOD and AVOD Just for Kids through a web browser.

Magazines, newspapers and more

Through the Premium Resources page, you can access wide variety of print resources, images, and videos from newspapers, magazines, and professional journals.

Popular options include:

About your digital media options

Your Virtual Library has many options for digital media access.

This page provides an overview of each major access point.

All of these resources and more can also be accessed through our Premium Resources page. All Premium Resources' costs are fully covered by your Springfield Public Library card.